Well, I guess you can say that Christmas is in full swing over here in the Bailey household! Our decor is up, I've already started burning my favorite candles, we've been lighting up the fireplace and I've made sure the pantry is stocked up with hot chocolate. Another thing that always goes hand in hand with this holiday season, is watching some of our favorite Christmas movies (although we've seen then all about 9 million times already). When the children were younger, I would make them gift boxes called, " The Night before Christmas" gift boxes (see picture below). The box contained Christmas PJ's, a new Christmas movie, snacks, games, comfy Christmas socks, a hot chocolate mug, a letter from Santa and a few other goodies, this would be the only box they could open before Christmas.

There is nothing like a cozy evening (or day) in with your family or friends watching Christmas movies!
Do you and your family have a favorite Christmas movie that isn’t on my list? Please comment below I'd love to check it out!
